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Formation intra :

Tarif : Nous consulter

Durée conseillée : 21 heures sur 3 jours (Durée à adapter en fonction de vos besoins)

Groupe : de 3 à 10 personnes

Responsable : JAUDEAU-LE THIESSE Philomène Coordonnatrice pédagogique Tél. : 0130795398 Fax : 0130795399 Mail :

Assistant(e) : Service FORMATION Tél. : 0130795398 Mail :

Mes session intra :

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Demande de devis
Libellé :

Rédiger vos écrits professionnels en langue anglaise

Code : COM-215
Accroche commerciale :

Un stage pour être efficace dans vos écrits professionnels en anglais. Savoir être clair et précis.

Objectifs :
You will be able to understand and use the layout of a professional letter or email

You will be able to use specific language adapted to those professional documents

You will be able to write clearly the message you intend to convey

You will be able to understand set phrases from letters and mails

You will achieve a level B2 / C1 of the CEFR in some specific writing skills
Prérequis :
Pas de prérequis spécifique
Contenu :
Working on the layout of a letter :
Writing letterheads
Including details about the recipient
Writing the date
Structuring the body of the letter

Working on the content of a letter :
Polite endings
Useful set phrases and link words and expressions used at the beginning of a letter, in the development or the conclusion of a letter.

Dealing with different types of letters :
Letters of enquiry
Letters of complaints
Letters of application

Writing an email :
Openings and endings
Language differences between letters and emails
Basic rules in writing an email.
Pédagogie :
Needs assessment questionnaire to obtain individual goals


Workshops and pairwork

Written assignments to use language

Games and quizzes to work on specific language

Booklet with necessary vocabulary, exercices and references of Internet sites
Niveau requis :