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Sessions de formation :

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Formation intra :

Tarif : Nous consulter

Durée conseillée : 21 heures sur 3 jours (Durée à adapter en fonction de vos besoins)

Groupe : de 3 à 10 personnes

Responsable : JAUDEAU-LE THIESSE Philomène Coordonnatrice pédagogique Tél. : 0130795398 Fax : 0130795399 Mail :

Assistant(e) : Service FORMATION Tél. : 0130795398 Mail :

Mes session intra :

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Demande de devis
Libellé :

Speaking in public

Code : COM-110
Accroche commerciale :

Employees expected to give presentations and to take part in meetings in their professional environment.

Objectifs :
You will be able to organize and lay out a presentation

You will be able to deliver your presentation fluently and clearly

You will be able to understand the language of formal meetings

You will be able to take part in formal and informal meetings using set phrases and expressions

You will gain confidence in public speaking
Prérequis :
Pas de prérequis spécifique
Contenu :
Preparing a presentation
Signposting : introducing, finishing a subject, starting another subject, analysing a point, giving recommendations, dealing with questions, concluding, ordering ideas.
Organizing a presentation

Making a presentation
Speaking from notes
Delivering the presentation

Conducting a formal meeting
Opening the meeting
Introducing the agenda
Stating objectives
Introducing a discussion
Calling on a speaker
Moving the discussion
Closing the meeting

Taking part in a meeting
Interrupting, asking for clarification
Making your point
Making a suggestion
Pédagogie :
Needs assessment questionnaire to obtain individual goals


Individual presentations

Roleplaying meetings

Games and quizzes to work on specific language

Booklet with necessary vocabulary, exercices and references of Internet sites
Méthodes d'évaluation :
Hot individual questionnaire : evaluation of the satisfaction with regard to the objectives of departure, to the contents, to the method, to the trainer
Elaboration of a personal action plan : that to change in his practices after the training(formation), when and how ?
Collective assessment of the end of training (gathering of opinions)
Niveau requis :